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Privacy Beleid

Laatste update: 13-08-2024

Weborama Nederland Corporate - Privacy and Cookie Notice

We are Weborama Nederland B.V.. We are based at Keizersgracht 176-4, 1016DW Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You can reach us at info@weborama.nl.

In this privacy and cookie notice we describe how we process data, including personal data. We are committed to a lawful, fair and transparent processing of personal data, adhering to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

We offer a data analytics and audience measurement platform to our clients and in the context of offering that service we place cookies and process personal data on behalf of our clients that use the platform. In GDPR terms: we act as a processor, not a controller. This Weborama Nederland Corporate Privacy and Cookie Notice does not relate to that use of cookies and personal data. Likewise, our sister company Weborama France offers a data-enrichment service in the context of which Weborama France places cookies and processes personal data. You can find their information notice at https://weborama.com/en/weborama-privacy-commitment/ .In GDPR terms: we may act as processor for our clients that use Weborama France’s services, but we do not act as a controller. This Weborama Nederland Corporate Privacy and Cookie Notice does not relate to that use of cookies and personal data.

We process the following (categories of) personal data

We collect the following information when you use our websites, contact us, or are our client:

1. When you browse the website, contact us by mail, phone or through the contact form or chat on our websites with commercial inquiries: we collect your IP address (for analytics and ads), name, email address or phone number, and any other information you may provide to us.

2. When you subscribe to our newsletter: we collect your name and company (if you provide it) and your email address.

3. When you contact us about a job opening: we collect any relevant information you provide to us.

4. When you are our client: we collect your name, email address and phone number, role, billing information, and any other information you may provide to us.

What (purposes) do we use the data for

We use the date we process:

1. To perform analytics and to reply to your information request when you contacted us. We also use this information for own marketing communication correspondence, including to follow up on leads.

2. To send you our regular newsletter and our campaign of the month newsletter.

3. To keep you in our recruitment database if you contacted us about job openings.

4. To be able to deliver our services to you if you are a customer or work at a customer company.

What is our legal basis for the processing

We base our processing on:

1. Our legitimate interest for inquiries and marketing communication: to be able to generate interest in our services and to respond to inquiries.

2. Consent of the data subject for the newsletter.

3. Our legitimate interest for job applicant data: this legitimate interest is the interest of the job applicant in having her application be considered by us, and our interest in being able to select and communicate with suitable candidates.

4. Performance of a contract for billing data and technical data if you are our contracting party, and our legitimate interest and that of your company in being able to offer and receive our services in a manageable way for all other data or if you are not our direct contracting party.

Where do we obtain the data from (sources)

- We collect the data for our database, including any personal data contained therein directly from the data subject, who provides it to us.

- Sometimes we obtain personal data from other parties for general marketing purposes such as lead-generation.

- We also use companies that provide us with an overview of publicly available information on people that have sent an inquiry about our services or that have submitted a job application. We will use this information in the same way as the information that the data subject provided to us.

How long and where do we store data

- We store customer information for at least 7 years to be able to meet our obligations to keep accurate records for the tax authorities.

- We store customer support information for as long as the customer remains with us, and thereafter for up to two years. We process this data based on your consent. In case of customer support we need to be able to provide you that service. It is not a contractual or statutory requirement to provide this information. - We store recruitment information for up to five years.

- We store newsletter subscriber information until such subscriber indicates they no longer want to receive the newsletter. Other marketing information we store for up to two years.

What safeguards have we taken to protect data

Taking into account the nature, scope, context and purpose of the processing, we have taken the following technical and organizational measures:

- Our database, and the information contained therein, is protected with access control.

- Access to the database is limited, not all staff in our organization have full access.

- Data submitted via our website is not encrypted in transit.

Who we share data with

We sometimes share your personal data with other companies. This includes outside service providers that we use for processing your data, for example:

- Companies that provide chat and other support functionality.

- Companies that support our recruitment activities.

- Companies that support us in sending emails and other messages related to our marketing. At this point in time, we use Brevo.

We require these companies to adequately safeguard your personal data and not use your data for any other purpose not authorized by us.

We might sell (part of) our business to another company. Such transfer of ownership could include the transfer of your personal data to the buyer if the data directly relates to that (part of the) business.

We will also release personal data to the authorities if we are compelled to do so by law.

We also use Google Analytics and ShareThis in the way described below.

Transfer of your personal data

You should also know that your personal data may be transferred from your home country to third parties. If you are an EU resident, this could imply that we also transfer data to countries that do not offer an adequate level of protection for your personal data. When we transfer this data, we will do so only when we have put in place appropriate safeguards to protect your personal data. This could for example be only working with companies that are part of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield. Please contact us to get a copy of the safeguards that we have put in place. Our contact details are at the bottom of this text.


We use the following cookies:


How Long

Placed By


cookieconsent_status CraftSessionID YII_CSRF_TOKEN

For the time of the session. Deleted when you close your browser window.


To allow for a consistent browsing experience.



1 minute

2 years from set/update

Google Inc.

We use Google Analytics. This is a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. to count visitors to our websites and analyse their usage of the site to help us determine the value of our content to our users. www.google.com/policies/privac....

__sharethis_cookie_test__ __stid __unam _vwo_uuid_v2

For the time of the session. Deleted when you close your browser window.

ShareThis, Inc.

We use Share This. This is a social sharing tool provided by ShareThis, Inc. to offer your functionality on our website to share content via your social network accounts and email. https://www.sharethis.com/priv...

Your rights

You have the right to request from us access to your personal data that we process. You also have the right to:

- Rectify incorrect personal data or erase it in certain circumstances. - Restrict or object to the processing of your personal data. - Receive your data so that you can use it elsewhere (data portability).

Where we process data based on your consent, you also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time but we would like to point out that this does not affect the lawfulness of the processing before the date that you withdrew your consent. If you wish to exercise any of the above rights, please write us at info@weborama.nl. For the newsletter, you can use the opt-out link provided in each e-mail.

Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. If you do not know who your supervisory authority is, please contact us and we will tell you.

Version information

Version 16: March 2023

This information can be viewed on https://www.weborama.nl/nl/privacy/